Very Sad No Artilce Like This for Ohio

In the future, when we look back, we will be seen for what we didn’t do that we could have, as well as what we did do . It will be very important. The outcomes that come of not doing what we could, will forever be remembered by those affected. This will affect double, the ones not protected and the ones that have to live the rest of their life with not being able to protect their family members in a state that allowed laws like this for those in long-term care. Taking away families, outside oversight, keeping residents confined to their rooms for months, and passing laws like these left the residents to fend for themselves and rendered family advocates helpless

Those that are deeply hurt and affected by this lack of protection for their loved ones in long-term care will never forget what wasn’t done. To quote a California Resident “ Our governor heard us.”

See how California got it right here

Paula MuellerComment