You Can Do Somthing to Help!

Many are feeling frustrated, angry, and helpless with our families in long-term care. We have had quite a few ask what can I do to advocate and help? COVID is going to be around for quite some time. We must do all we can to protect our family members. We can’t just give up and feel hopeless. The more help we have, the more we can do. We can’t let them be the casualties of this war we have with the virus. We can’t let them suffer from unacceptable care. . We can’t depend on someone else to protect and help our family members, it is up to us. We must speak up loud and clear. Public outcry has been the most powerful tool for change. But our voice, won’t be loud without you. Please consider helping in some way, they are counting on us to help them. We can’t let them down. Here is actually a shortlist of what you can do to help:

  • Like and follow us on Facebook to increase our show of support

  • Follow the news articles on our Website to keep up with some of the important things going on you may miss on our FB Page, as not everyone sees every post.

  • For those that have family members in long-term care, join our Elderly Advocates Family Lounge to help compare what others are seeing and for support, and to get notifications.

  • Call and email your representatives in Ohio and Washington telling them we need long-term care facilities out of the immunity/liability bills trying to be passed and we need more thought and consideration before passing such a law. The way it is right now will likely cause more injuries and deaths to those in long-term care. This is so important to do right now, as these laws may pass any time now at the state and national levels.

  • Be a voice in the media, we have many opportunities to talk to the media. They are looking for voices locally in Ohio, here. Right now they are trying to find families willing to speak up about lack of transparency from the state in how many deaths in each facility. Let us know if you want on the list of those willing to speak up.

  • If we do not get any help from Governor DeWine by the end of next week, we will be looking to get as many as we can do some protests that residents and families are being ignored during this crisis and many are dying!

  • Volunteer to help us move forward. We are working remotely now, so anyone in Ohio can help! Let us know what talents you might be able to lend

  • Make signs if we need them for rallies/peaceful protests

  • Vounteer to work on a committee such as legislative, advocacy, communication, or finance

  • Give financial support when you able to help us keep moving forward.

Paula MuellerComment