Update on Summit County Nursing Home and Facility Task Force Meeting
This is an updated report on the Task Force Meeting in Summit County.
Despite the weather, 30 people showed up! That is an awesome start and will watch it grow as this effort has!
Their direction is a great path to helping!
We cannot give enough thanks to Council President Jeff Wilhite for being one of the first ones we have seen step up to help. In this artilce his passion for the elderly is clear and his approach is a positive one. People on our page keep asking, why isn’t someone doing something? It’s on the news, social media, and heard from the families, how can it be ignored with all these stories getting out.
We agree, we do not want to shut down facilities, however, we need to work together and find solutions to the issues. The public is becoming more vocal and telling their stories. Many of them are heartbreaking. Councilman Wilhite heard the story of very poor care in a nursing home in his county, and didn’t ignore it. He answered the call for action, we hope more of our representatives will do the same. We need representatives to represent the public they serve in what is of high importance to us. Our older family members are very high importance to us in being respected, maintaining their dignity and obtaining proper care. We only wish for them to have the best quality of life possible and thrive to the best of their ability. We do not find this much to ask for.
We will continue to promote and advertise this awesome efffort in all future meetings. Councilman Wilhite has already made a difference, he has brought much awareness to this crisis the elderly face in long term care. He has given a platform for families and concerned citizens to be heard.
Read the full story here and click on the picture to see the different generations that attended!