This should NEVER happen, One Time is Too Many

There are many things going on in this story…for starters a 95 y/o woman is sexually assulted and dies shortly after the incident, we agree it broke her! Do they really believe this incident did not affect her in any way? The nursing home is not given one financial penalty over this. All they have to do is some training and they are cleared with the state. What do these nursing homes that provide care have to worry about? Anything?

Also, people need to see that many bad things happen between midnight and 6 am, where staffing is the lowest. They make people believe they don’t need many aides because people are sleeping, but this is when they usually fall from trying to go the bathroom overnight. We appreciate EadieHill Trial Attorneys for doing their best to make the facility accountable for their lack of actions. Thank you to John Caniglia at the Plain Dealer for bringing these stories to the public, who needs to know what is happening to our elderly. Read the full heartbreaking story here

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