New Study on Long Term Care Price HIkes

These issues will affect all of us...Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation this will affect all of us..not just people older now…

Long Term Care Price Hikes will grow faster than inflation. We also agree if Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursements were higher, care would more likely improve.

The Boomers are a large population. They are approaching their 80's. The stories coming out may have something to do with so many needing care and are being challenged to get it.

We also wonder if everyone is under the old thinking once you turn a certain age, your washed up and finished in the healthcare arena. However, people are living longer, people now in their 80's are what people used to be in their 70's. It seems like we have rolled back 10 years in our aging in each decade

So, we wonder if these older people are put in nursing homes before they truly should be because assisted living is not where they should be and we do not have the care and regulations in those facilities we should have? Read full artilcle here

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