The Governor's Response to Families About Visiting

See the full story here Thank you Sara Goldenberg and Channel 19 WOIO for getting the families story out.

Many families were upset to hear Governor DeWine’s Response to this story:

  • How could it be overlooked that there were poor care issues in long-term care before COVID

  • How could it be overlooked there are facilities on watch lists or have one star ratings.

  • How did he know the guidelines balanced the needs? Why did he ignore the pleas of family advocates that needs are not being met? Listening to families would show needs were not met.

  • How was the obligation met to help protect the elderly in long-term care from COVID , when there were so many deaths?

  • How could he have a plan for everyone but long-term care facilities to get back to normal as much as possible?

  • Why was Resident Rights ignored for the most part when they should not have been?

  • If there were true protections for residents, there would have been COVID policies given by each facility to all families without having to request one. A camera law would have been passed as quickly as an immunity law., among many other things that could have been done.

  • What gave the right to deny residents their best family advocate who would have went in with or without COVID, to deny them their right to be with their families for an indefinite period of time.? And to die without saying goodbye or having the comfort of their family?

  • Taking away Constitutional Rights for all American Citizens regardless of where they live, along with Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987, and Ohio Resident Rights. The public would have never tolerated this. And nor should any Citizen regardless of where they live.

    Governor DeWine’s Statement:

“Residents in Ohio’s nursing homes are some of Ohio’s most vulnerable to COVID-19. They include older Ohioans and residents with medical conditions known to have complications with COVID-19. Ohio’s safety guidelines regarding nursing homes balance the needs of residents with our obligation to help protect them from COVID-19.”

Paula MuellerComment