Restricting and Banning Family Members That Make Concerns or Complaints!

This story comes from Canada, however, it is the same exact story for many in the United States. This is a popular practice for facilities to use when they feel someone is persistent in questioning and obtaining the care their loved one is lacking in a nursing home. They have turned a family member’s frustrations and rightful concerns into something it’s not! They turn it into saying they are being threatened or harassed. by the family member. But, because they are a facility and because licensed people work there, they seem to be above questioning their allegations, they are automatically assumed to make factual statements. This has given them much power in silencing family members and punishing the residents by disallowing family members they want to see.

When we make a complaint about a facility, we have to give evidence, it has to be substantiated. However, we have allowed the facilities to make any accusations that make a family member look bad without any proof or due process. The family members are afraid to speak up and the residents fear retaliation. How have we come to allow this ever? Read here exactly how it is with this banning/restriction practice.

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