Our mission Includes Working Together in Positive Direction
We want it known that we welcome any like-minded individuals or organizations working toghether in a positive direction to improve the overall quality of life for the elderly and all residents in long-term care facilites. Working together in a positive direction, can only help. Here is our postion on this:
Our Board has been holding back what they want to say as we are committed to the best practices and highest standards.
However, we feel we have stayed silent long enough on an issue that is present and need to state our position.
We will never attack another person or organization that truly works to improve the quality of care for the elderly. We always support any effort trying to help the elderly in long term care. Although we may strongly disagree with another's approach, direction and communications, we will not participate in attacks in disagreeing with someone.
It would be a very sad day if we ever worry about who sent more emails, being famous over this, writing books and making movies that would not have all profits made from those efforts going directly to help residents. We do not strive for credit getting camera's in rooms, most important to us is just having camera's in resident rooms.
We appreciate any person sending an email to help the elderly no matter what page or effort sent from.
At the end of the day, this is no competition. We can't have enough people working together in a positive direction to get this crisis the residents face in long-term care.
If there were an expert who had all the answers, our elderly would not be suffering right now or have suffered for years. We don't claim to have all the answers, but we work hard to find them.
We have formed this organization to help, and will continue to support other efforts that are committed to working only in a positive direction. We don't have time evaluate, judge, and attack other individuals or organizations nor would we ever want to participate in that type of behavior. That takes time away from our mission and does not meet our mission to work with others.
The Board of Elderly Advocates