Make it Happen in 2024!
The two tools for getting better care in nursing homes is......
If your loved one is in a nursing homes that has an issue with any of these two, you truly need to find another place!
With cameras there should be no more missing things and ways to get your loved one help when they need it. With Family Councils, it is a great communication tool between families and facilities. It reduces complaints to the state and it encourages working together. This will be a revolving door of families to welcome and support other familes, but as long as residents go in and out of nursing homes, there can always be a family council that hands the torch to the next family to help others coming in.
Our parents put in time for our PTA's at our schools, even with working. It would be awesome if we could pay it back to them, by having a council for them to improve things the way a PTA did in a school.
Let us know if you want us to help you start a Family Council or need financial assistance putting in a camera. We will help!
We may not be able to change this broken system overnight, but we certainly can control what we do to improve care and life in long-term care.