Why is Long-Term Care Poor in Ohio? This Report States Why!

By no means are we trying to do any fear mongering. However, this is simple. If you don't get involved either by volunteering or supporting this only organization trying to do something about this situation, this will be all of our future. We plan for retirement, but we don't take any time to plan for this. This is reality. We either do something now or face this later. Please find this important to do something to help. This is the most IMPORTANT truth of this report by News Channel 5:

What the expert said

"The accountability measures that we have in place are not really sufficient," said Loren Anthes, a health policy expert with the Center for Community Solutions, a Cleveland think tank.

"For the most part, it's a regulatory structure designed and paid for by the industry," he said.

Anthes said the senior care industry provides significant political contributions to lawmakers in both parties in the Ohio General Assembly. As a result, he said, "Both parties have a history of doing a lot of what the industry has outlined for them."

Here is the complete news report from Channel 5:

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