These are the recommendations that were givena as result of the “listening sessions” the Task Force held all over the state of Ohio recently. For the immediate crisis residents are facing, we do not feel this is anywhere near the strong action that needs taken to help the residents. It seems to always be about giving the facilities money who show no transparency or give the aides any better wages. Also, it seems to be to give state agencies more funding.

The state has the power to do something meaningful for those that work in facilities such as, give tax breaks, help with college tuition, make sure some of the state money goes to increasing wages, make it mandotory for family councils to be engaged and to make every attempt to get volunteers even through community service from schools and colleges. These are not hard things to come up, but hard to get a conversation going on things that are meaningful help and will stop this crisis that is not acknowledged.

Here is the link to see the full recommendation report from the Task Force Committee.

Paula MuellerComment