How we get cameras in resident rooms!

Elderly Advocates has it high on their list to advocate for cameras in resident rooms in long term care facilities. We feel this would greatly improve care, it would give families peace of mind, and make those accountable who forget the camera is on them that give unacceptable care! There has been much resistance to having these cameras allowed, however, several states have got the law passed to allow them to have it, and more people are demanding them in their state, we find that to be true in Ohio. We need every advocacy group and organization that supports quality care for the eldelry to come together and make our voices heard for those that do not have a voice. Read here the process for getting a law passed, for it takes educating our policymakers to support the great need for these cameras, as it is in their job to carry out the wishes of the people they represent. We have heard the reasons we are given why cameras are not allowed, and we disagree with every excuse. Here are their excuses and our replies:


We don’t have permission for the people that go into room to be on camera.

Our Reply:

We are on a camera most places we go and we accept that. No one gets our permission when we walk in a bank, store, or most businesses. If we accept these places need protected, then why would not feel the elderly in long term care do not need protected! We could even go one step more than most places that put us on cameras do, by putting a sign outside the door saying the room is under camera monitoring.


The other resident may not want a camera in the room.

Our Reply:

Room residents together that want a camera in their room. If only one resident wants a camera, that resident can be placed in the part of the room in the back where only people taking care of them will be seen walking through.


Here is the big one! HIPAA Laws and Privacy.

Our Reply:

There are curtains in the room that can be used when privacy is needed. Only the resident or responsible party should be able to have access to the camera and view it. Also, consider the article here, where only 13 states do not allow cameras in fitting rooms. We are not understanding why residents in long term facilities being denied a camera that is requested by the resident or responsible party. This is one of the worst excuses, especially when we are on on a camera many times and rarley are made aware or have our permission in our lives outside a long term care facility. A camera in a resident’s room would be fully desired and requested if it were placed in the room by the resident and/or responsible party, so there is no HIPAA or privacy violation here!

These are just what they are EXCUSES. It is time to protect the elderly. This has been a long time coming.

Paula MuellerComment