How this effort started....

This is taken from our story on our Facebook Page…true story….

United We Stand Strong


Up to the time this page was started, many of us were frustrated, angry and lost about the poor care our elders receive in long term care with nowhere to turn to. We tried complaining to the facilities hoping they would correct things that were wrong. We tried filing complaints to the Ohio Department of Health, only to have most complaints unsubstantiated. We tried to complain to Medicare and Medicaid that services were being billed, but not provided. Some residents were retaliated against for making complaints to their family members. Some of us were banned by the facility for speaking up. Many bad outcomes, including death, have and still do result from poor care. Until now, it has been hard for one person to be heard or taken seriously.

This page started with one person, it currently has almost 300 people and still growing of caring people that want a community/citizen based effort started that is not a government run agency. We now have an avenue to support, educate, share resources with each other. Most importantly, we now have the opportunity to be heard and taken seriously in not accepting anything but respect, dignity and the best quality of life for the what is suppose to be the golden years as we get older. Most people that have joined this group realize that for all of us planning on getting older, this could be our future as well. The older population is going to be double of that of the younger population in the near future. We know how real and disturbing this issue is.

We have already seen one person cannot make a difference, but we know together we can. I dedicate this effort in memory of my uncle William P. Bennett who faced many of these challenges, and whom they broke in the end. Although he had his own challenges, he never stopped trying to help the person next to him. This site is not only dedicated to him but all who suffer due to unacceptable care. United We Stand Strong in making change happen.

Paula MuellerComment