Health Care Workers and Residents in Front Line Nursing Homes Hurt by SB 308

This is reality. SB 308 planned to pass this week hurts the ones it should protect the most, healthcare workers, and residents in nursing homes. It is said this bill protects those working in the front lines because they are worried about being sued. In all the healthcare workers we talk to, being worried about being sued is not even on their list or radar. If you hear them, you will know they worry about them or their family dying over COVID-19 because they are on the front lines! They worry about not having protective gear, they worry about having good policies in place, they worry about good communication from the owners of these facilities. The ones facing lawsuits will be owners of these facilities as they are ultimately responsible for their employees. Comparing a dentist to a nurse or aide in a nursing home is a completely different situation! But, it was all lumped together!

This bill has amplified all those worries if no accountability or consequences will be faced for owners choosing to be in a high-risk business in which corporations and investors stand to profit by cutting corners. No standards given at all may very well cause many working in nursing homes to quit! Needing a high level of care, and allowing neglect with not one minimum standard of care will likely lead to more injuries and deaths.

At the very least, allowing families to put in cameras until Dec 31 would show some concern for high needs residents and staff knowing the families will see the struggles they may face giving care and work to help them. Giving immunity is the wrong answer to the issue. Immunity is at the expense of Healthcare workers and residents in nursing homes!

Laws being passed to protect those that stand to profit is sad. We need laws to protect those that stand to die in this crisis, the healthcare workers, and residents in nursing homes. They don’t need to be included in this bill.

Please take nursing homes out of this bill or at the least, allow families to put in cameras unit 12/31.

The sad story of healthcare workers here.